Monday, September 29, 2014

Familias pueden ser eternas!

I love my Mission! It is full ups and downs, but the ups always are worth the downs! My purpose as a missionary is to help others to come unto Christ and it brings me great joy when I´m able to complete that purpose. This has been one of the most hectic weeks of my life, But... one of the most rewarding weeks that I have ever had. 
As I have said in other letters, my testimony is growing that the Lord is preparing his children to have this Gospel in their lives, and he is preparing us to find them.
The Familia Almada were baptized this weekend! It was such a great place to be as they were baptized. We had several members of our ward baptize the family, and it was a great way to get them fellow shipped in the ward. But I´ll tell you, this baptismal service was not easy. Me and my companion, were running all over the place looking for clothing for the baptism. The tire on my comps bike broke, and the water in the Baptismal font wouldn´t heat up. So the water was ice cold. The Family who was going help baptize and give a talk, the Familia Del Monte, their car broke, so we had to go out to their house to give them our Bus pass so that they could make it.... Fhooo but in the end it was all worth it!  The family is all really happy, and The spirit was so strong as the family were baptized!
And yet again our zone broke our goal of baptisms this month with 19 baptisms and 19 confirmacions! But it was crazy because Friday in the night there was the need of 14 Baptism Interviews! And well I was needed to some of those. While I went with one of my zone leaders to do the interviews of their investigators, my comp and the other Zone leader did the Interviews for our Investigators. And then afterwards I had the chance to do another interview for the Elders in my district for their investigator. So at end of the night I had done 5 Baptismal interviews and had traveled every corner of our zone haha. But it was great to help others to see if they were ready for the step of baptism they were about to take. 
But Wow it was great to have such a great week, And our investigators are doing great. If all goes well we are planning for 2 more baptisms this weekend! How great to baptize conference weekend. THE SPIRIT!
Also this Friday we are going to the Temple as a mission! Plus the next week is transfers so I´ll be writing you all the Tuesday, I´m thinking that I´m going to be leaving this area (Six months is along time). But I´ll keep you informed.  I Love you so much, keep up the great things you are all doing and remember that I love you and am thinking of you all. The Lord has great plans for all of us.
Love you all!
Elder Taylor Chriss


The keys are weird here!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Conferencia de Estaca

Familia Almada!
Well as the time goes on passes another week of miracles. 

As the title says, this week we had Stake Conference here in the Stake Zarate. And well it was awesome! No General Authority came, but six people did come and it was great! Who are these six people? Our investigators! We have been so blessed this week to have our investigators progress so much in the Gospel, not only in the gospel, but in desires to make the changes necessary in their lives. We are planning on having a baptismal service for the family this up coming weekend! So keep on praying for our investigators!

Our Family is called Fam. Almada, They are super humble and just great people, The Father of the family (Walter) said that he never invites religious people in his house, but something caught his attention about us. The whole family is just plain awesome, and I have a even stronger testimony of the Lord Preparing His children to receive the Gospel. 

So here in Campana we don´t get fed a lot by the members. There are several great Families (Castelli, Del Monte, y Torres) that always feed us and show a ton of love. The other day The Family Del Monte said "We don´t have very much to give but if you want to stop by we can give you Nutria." I Had no idea what it was but we aren´t going to deny food when offered..... Well come to find out Nutria is River Otter in Spanish.... I ate a river otter!!!!! But i´m not going to lie, tt was tastey. Haha You will eat strange things in the mission.

I´m Happy and don´t regret a thing here in the mission. Yes things can get hard. But the lord blesses those who get to work and forget about themselves. I love you all and hope that each of you can help one another. If you are feeling down, pick your self up and remember how much you mean to your Heavenly Father.

Love Elder Chriss
More Familia Almada

Monday, September 15, 2014

Milagros Pasan!

Elder Chriss and Jazmin after her baptism.
Well just as the last week, the miracles keep coming.  We had the baptism of Jazmin this weekend! It was so great and we had a good amount people at the Baptism. So we are pretty stoked about that. And we had our family that we found this past week come to church yesterday. So we are pretty much some of the happiest Elders you can find! haha

But as I look back at this week, I can´t stop being grateful for the things  that I´ve received from the Lord.  Really I can see the blessings. I have learned that the best way to see the blessings of our Heavenly Father is to look backwards. Then you notice the changes and the help.

I´m so happy to be here in Campana. It has been kind of like the Refiners Fire. Not because of the weather, but that it has been hard to do a lot of the things and to stay positive about them. But after a good time and several miracles in my life, I've been made better. Through my trials I now feel like a better person. I´m so happy for the trials as much as the happiness. It's all part of the plan.
I´m not really sure what to write this week, but these are some of the thoughts that I have to share with y'all. I´m so grateful for your help and love that you give me. I´m praying for you all and I know that my Savior lives!
Elder Taylor Chriss
Elder Sosa, Jazmin and her family, and Elder Chriss!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Capilla Abierta

I love it when all of our hard work begins to show a lot of results and allows us to better help people! 

This week was full of miracles and great blessings!  I´m very grateful to my Heavenly Father for all the guidance this week. I´m not sure where to begin because there are many great things that came to pass here in Campana.

One of the tender mercies that we received this week was after working and working we were blessed to have a great investigator decide to be baptized after a good time of difficulty to get her family and her to come to the conclusion to be baptized. We are planning her baptism this weekend. We are going to have her less active Father baptize her.
Also here in our area we have been asking referrals of every person that we talk to. And well after 25 referrals contacted, my comp saw a house that somebody earlier in the week said lived a big family there. We went to contact the house and found a family of 7! They are the greatest family in the world and have the desire to get baptized! So we are super happy and to find out that they are friends with another family in the ward. So we are looking forward to teaching them
This week we also had a Capilla Abierta (Open Chapel) which is a program of the South America south area, which we have a married couple come and bring big posters describing what is the LDS Church. We stand outside and invite people to come in and see the church. Its like a Visitors Center at the temple, we just change the place to the chapel. We even had a Christus statue. Well it all turned out great. We had several other missionaries from the zone come and help us. In the end we received 30 referrals and several investigators that came from the activity. Plus the members are super excited about missionary work.
To finish off the miracles, Sunday morning as we came into the church, we saw a youth sitting in the back of the chapel alone. I recognized him from the activity the night before..... His name is Andres and he came to the church BY HIMSELF!!!!  He loved the church so much the night before so he came to the Sunday services!!! And he told me and my comp that he heard in the activity that he needs to get baptized (Me and E. Ramirez taught Baptism) He has never been baptized and he asked if we can help him with that!!! WOW miracles are happening here in Campana!
So that is a little bit of the things that are happening here in our Area. I'm loving the mission and am very happy serving the Lord. I have a testimony of Hard work and placing everything in the hands of the Lord.
Love you all a ton, Have a nice week! Write me and let me know how you are doing!!!
Elder Taylor Chriss


Monday, September 1, 2014

To the Villas!

Some of the Elders from the Zarate Zone, Tallest to Shortest!
Wow! We have been working a ton here. Me and my comp have been doing all we can to help our area. I´ve been here for a while so we thought, "Let's go to a place that we never go to normally." After a great day of divisions with the Zone Leaders, my comp and I decided to go to a the Ghetto part of our area and look for the people the Lord is preparing. So our week was trying to get to know the Villa better. We contacted a bunch of people this week and we are opening up a lot of opportunities.
Some great news... We are breaking all sorts of records here in our mission. First off, we broke the record of Baptisms in our zone. We came out with 21 Baptisms as a zone!!! Me and my comp had 3 baptisms this month!!! A record for us (don´t have the foto)... They are named Aylen Luana and Pablo. They are kids of some less actives returning to activity. We are super happy for them. In the end it was more like a baptism of the ward. And that's not all. As a mission we have broken our record of Baptisms in a month. We have baptized 213 people as a mission. We are super excited and we know that the Lord is blessing us A FUL (a lot). We are going to keep it up and help all we can to be baptized for the remission of their sins.

Some more great news.... We have new bikes!!!!! We don´t have to walk anymore. My bike is bright green and pretty old, But I love it!!! So that is some of the best news of the week. 
And to finish off with some Spiritual chat, I have found that a lot of times in our life we do all we can to be good and to help others. But as things normally go, we get tired of trying to help or be good because the results don´t come quick enough or don´t come at all. As I pondered this type of thinking a scripture came to my mind, D&C 64:33&34 which says. 

33 Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.

 34 Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days. 

This came to my mind saying not to give up on do the good things. even though it can be tiring. We must keep going with the small things. 
I love you so much and hope you have a great week. I´m sure going to keep on working, and I hope you all can to!

Elder Taylor Chriss